24 Hours

You are given 24 hours in a day. 

-8 hours of sleep is recommended.16 hours. 
-Most of us work 9 to 5, which is another 8 hours. 8.
-Then it takes some of us 30 mins to get to work and 30 minutes back.That leaves us 7.
-Of course, once your alarm goes off, you probably take an hour to get ready. That's 6. 
-Then we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner, let's just say that takes another 2 hours altogether.
=That leaves us 4 hours to ourselves, and that is if you don't have kids. 

How do you spend those extra 4 hours of the day? 
We can spend it on Television, Sports, Video games. We can spend it on a hobby. It's ours! We get to do whatever we want to with it! I find myself trying to find ways to make things take less time! If I can get ready in 15 minutes, wake up as soon as the alarm sounds, sleep an hour less, speed to work, and scarf down my breakfast, I can give myself some extra free time! I can even multi-task while driving! right?

What kind of impact does this rushing around have on you?

Luke 10:38-42 - read it. 

In this story, Martha was concerned about the temporal. She had so much work to get done, and she was clearly stressed out about it. Mary didn't care. She wanted to hear the words of Christ. Martha was doing something good. She was serving people, but it was Mary who made the right choice. Martha being busy meant nothing if it took her focus away from the teachings of Christ. 

Just like Martha, we get stressed out trying to get everything done, but Jesus tells her that those things don't matter, at least not as much as his teaching. Sometimes the things we get so worked up over are things that God says HE will take care of. You have bills to pay. You have mouths to feed. You have a house to pay for, but could you do less and have everything you need?

We all need a certain amount of idle time for our own sanity, but you know what I didn't make time for? 
Family. Bible Study. Serving the Community. Prayer. These things should be part of the life of every Christian, but you have to make time for them. 

There are 24 hours in a day, and after you get done with all of the things you HAVE to do, you have 4 hours that belong to you. You get to decide how those hours are spent, but how these hours are spent will shape who you are.

We have all spent those hours on the wrong things, and that can make us feel distant from God. The important thing is that those wasted hours don't turn into wasted years. Don't waste another hour.


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